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Neurofeedback Therapy CT
Litchfield Therapy is an infraslow neurofeedback center ran by local CT neurofeedback practitioner David Pavlick. He offers biofeedback for a number of conditions including ADHD, PTSD as well as stress and anxiety that can be debilitating.
Help For Addiction
Help 4 Addiction helps those suffering from Drug & alcohol addiction and mental health. They can help provide advice on the right type of treatment, whether that is Rehab, Online Therapy Treatment or Alcohol & Drug Home Detoxes. Call them for free advice on 0203 955 7700.
Anxiety Coach
A free self-help guide for people with anxiety disorders, including panic attacks, agoraphobia, stagefright, fear of flying, social anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and phobias of all kinds. Written for the consumer by a psychologist who specializ
Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Recovery
This site discusses anxiety disorder treatment and recovery issues, has articles, tips, recommended reading, self-help, and related links.
Anxiety Knowledge Center
Anxiety Knowledge Center is a meeting place for anxiety professionals and consumers.
Anxiety Self Help
Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Nervousness? This site provides invaluable resources for those suffering from anxiety. With online support and clear descriptions of self help techniques.
Anxiety/Panic Resource Site
Help to those who suffer from anxiety/panic attacks by offering information on medications, treatments, symptoms, and support by offering a chat channel.
Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists (ATSS)
The Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists (ATSS) is a nonprofit international organization founded in 1989 to
provide professional education and certification to those actively involved in crisis intervention, trauma response,
Center for Anxiety & Stress Treatment
Anxiety? Stress? Panic? Phobias? Worry? Our resources can help you manage and regain control of your life.
Clarity Health Solutions
Clarity Health Solutions in Jupiter, FL helps people with their problems by offering psychotherapy and behavioral health treatment. For more details, visit http://bit.ly/2tBqRVY & http://bit.ly/2taMQn5.
Conquer Anxiety
Offers self-study course to quickly and easily reduce anxiety, panic attacks, and stress; also free newsletter, self-quiz and sample techniques.
facts for health
social anxiety disorder, SAD, shyness, fear, anxiety, social fear, social anxiety, treatments, diagnose, treat, effective treatment, social phobia, sad help, post-traumatic stress, posttraumatic stress, PTSD, Post-traumatic stress disorder, posttraumatic
Facts For Health
Facts For Health is a comprehensive resource to help identify, understand and treat a variety of mental health disorders including Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), Social Anxiety Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Soon we will be
OCD That Is Me
A personal account of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and depression. Books, links, forum.
Stress Reduction workshops, audio and video tapes. Practical techniques to relaxation, mental awareness and inner peace. Programs for, individual, companies, healthcare and education centers.
Panic Disorder
Support and resources for people with panic disorder and/or agoraphobia maintained by someone who has experienced panic disorder herself. Weekly feature, events calendar, links, free e-newsletter, and more.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Sanctuary
Ask the therapist, articles, chats, bulletin boards, (consumerss & families), clinician's forum, personal stories, resources, books, ICQ lists, links and more.
Pure Relaxation: Stress Management and Musical Hypnosis
Stress Management through Music Hypnosis, Relaxation Tapes, Psychoacoustical Bio-Dynamics, music therapy, free stress test, and use of musical hypnosis for relaxation, stress relief and natural healing with Pure Relaxation by Aspect Enterprises.
Stress / Relax Central
For professionals and consumers
You can learn to take control of your stress response and learn to relax, yet retain your alertness, motivation and energy.
This Web page provides you with the information (FAQ, articles, links)and the tools-- from re
Trauma Information Pages
These Trauma Pages focus primarily on emotional trauma and traumatic stress, including PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder), whether following individual traumatic experience(s) or a large-scale disaster.
WorkingWell Limited
Consultants in wellbeing for UK companies, managing stress and workplace health.
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Health and Safety Management System
HSMS Safety System