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Home : Dentistry : Education
Baylor College of Dentistry The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center
Baylor College of Dentistry is an accredited College of Dental Medicine and Dental Hygiene, and a member of the Texas A&M University System Health Science Center

Dental Didactics
Nationally accredited sponsor of continuing dental education. Online courses for dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants.

Dental Institute, Kings College London Distance Learning
Postgraduate master degrees MSc and M.Clin.Dent awarded by the University of London in clinical dentistry

Foothill College Dental Assisting
The Foothill College Dental Assisting Program offers a balance of academic, laboratory and clinical courses to prepare our students to work in this rapidly changing field.

Foothill College Dental Hygiene Program
The Foothill College Dental Hygiene Program is two years in length including a summer session. You will find details for prerequisites and application information as well as links to other dental hygiene related topics on this site.

The Duesseldorf Virtual Library: Dentistry
German and international dental medicine sites, dental internet resources, faculties, institutes and organizations, dental spezialities

UTHSCSA Dental School Home
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio - Dental School.

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